Monday, October 9th

Describe your most treasured item without actually giving what it is away. 
Things to think about:
  • Why is it so precious to you?
  • Who gave it to you or how did you come to have it?
  • As you cannot say its name, use lots of adjectives and descriptions.
Here is Mr.Murphy’s example:
It sits on my finger. It’ been there since April 2014. I chose it with my wife. I really like it; she likes it less so. But, it’s me that’s got to wear it. It goes everywhere with me. I’ll wear it forever. On the odd occasion I take it off, I really worry about losing it! My cold, metal, matt metal object sitting there on my left hand. No one ever really mentions it. I play with it when nervous. But, it’s there for all to see. Especially me! As I finish, I’m looking at it right now… 

Today we will discuss our plan for moving forward with our scene writing.  We will vote on whether or not we want to each write our own or work in groups.

Then, we will talk about conflicts, as well as raising the stakes.

Try this idea generator if you're stuck. Some of the ideas are kind of ridiculous, while others are pretty good. 

Ideas for scenes on Padlet

Work on revising our pieces from last week. We will post to our blog tomorrow!


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