Thursday, September 7th
Good Morning! Today, if needed, we will take a few more minutes to finish our rough drafts of our "name" pieces. Don't worry if you don't love yours. It is a rough draft. We will be writing a few more pieces, and then you will pick ONE to polish and perfect. Then, we will look at two images and take notes on what we see. We will be keen observers. Then, you will write a story or description of what you see in the picture. You may take on any point of view you wish! Afterwards, I will tell you what's "really going on" in the picture! Picture #1 PICTURE #2 We will have a Mini-Lesson on creating a dramatic scene You will then write your own! Creating a Dramatic Scene Write down a memory you have from when you were between the ages of four and ten A memory from sixth grade A memory from the summer Write no more than two sentences about the memory. Here’s a memory I have from high school: When I moved...
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