Tuesday, February 13th

 We will look at two images and take notes on what we see.  We will be keen observers.  Then, you will write a story or description of what you see in the picture. You may take on any point of view you wish!    Afterwards, I will tell you what's "really going on" in the picture!

Picture #1


We will have a Mini-Lesson on creating a dramatic scene
You will then write your own!

Creating a Dramatic Scene

Write down a memory you have from when you were between the ages of four and ten

A memory from sixth grade

A memory from the summer

Write no more than two sentences about the memory.

Here’s a memory I have from high school:

When I moved to Papillion, Nebraska and attended high school, I was almost killed by a group of girls.  The police came.

NOW-Write about it but be dramatic!  Use dialogue and description.  Make it come alive for the reader

I managed to meet one friend my first week at Papillion HIgh School.  THe fact that she barely spoke English was a minor setback, but I was desperate.  Everybody else just stared at me and whispered to each other in hushed voices as I walked by.  I stuck out like Charles Manson at a church revival.  It was not the reception I was expecting.

    Lunch was the worst.  I sought out a quiet space to eat alone-the library!   However, I was quickly shunned by the librarian who saw the brown lunch sack in my hand and stated sternly, “NO FOOD!  Don’t you know the rules?”  I walked to the main eating area known as the pit-a large carpeted hole in the ground with three stairs leading to the bottom.  I spotted my only friend and sat down next to her.  I took a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and started to relax.  THEN, out of nowhere, I could a crushing pain on my left hand.  I felt as though Godzilla had stepped on it! It wasn’t Godzilla.  It was Kim Diggins.  Worse than Godzilla because she was real...


We will meet in our Writing Groups on Wednesday.  Bring scissors and a glue stick for Wednesday!


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